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In case you haven’t had the opportunity to notice, we now have a Website:

I’ve been dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st Century. I credit Jean-Francis Archambault, our VP of Marketing and Administration, for this initiative. Without him, I would still be communicating with you via decidedly 20th Century methods. What’s more, if it was really, really up to me, I’d be using smoke signals, drums, maybe two cans and a string.

Please visit us on the web to learn more about us or refresh yourself on our investment philosophy, style and stock selection that we use in our Model Portfolio.

Our News section includes various interviews with me and also our monthly Newsletter.

Jean-Francis and I are very happy to launch this website and hope you will appreciate the information and features contained therein.  We welcome any feedback that you may have.


Wil Wutherich and Jean-Francis Archambault

Wutherich & Company Investment Counsel Inc.


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