Monthly Message
Wutherich & Co. Composite was up 4.6% in July versus the S&P/TSX being up 5.9%.
Broadening market? Lowering interest rates? We try not to make these calls, but it would be nice to see. The Wutherich & Company Portfolio would benefit from a broader market as we certainly don’t own US Mega-Cap Technology names. We are humble proprietors of relatively simple, boring and cheap small to mid-cap names that we think will provide us with good long-term returns. If there are some macro-economic tailwinds to help us along our way, we’ll gladly trim our sails, keep a steady hand on the tiller and enjoy the ride.
We still have plenty of cash though we have been trying to spend it. Some of our favourite names have had very strong moves lately and have become more difficult to buy. Regardless, we will continue to pick away at ideas that fit our long-term investment criteria as opportunities present themselves.
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