All accounts are cash accounts – unlike hedge funds we do not use leverage to manage your money. We are not a fund company – your account will mirror the Model Portfolio but your money will not be pooled with other clients. The account will have your name on it and you will directly own all of the securities held therein.
Wutherich & Company is an independent investment counsellor. We don’t hold assets for our clients. Wutherich & Company simply exercises trading authority over your account as per an agreed upon portfolio management agreement.
Your account is held in your name with National Bank Independent Network. You will receive a monthly statement and all annual tax material directly from NBIN. You will also receive a quarterly portfolio evaluation, invoice and letter detailing your portfolio composition and performance from Wutherich & Co. Consequently, you will always have an eye on the work we do for you.
Committed to independent firms for more than 25 years, National Bank Independent Network is one of Canada’s leading providers of custodial, trading, settlement and record keeping services to independent registered portfolio managers, introducing brokers and investment fund managers. National Bank Independent Network proudly serves over 400 firms from coast to coast and is backed by the strength of National Bank of Canada (NBC). National Bank Independent Network is a division of National bank Financial Inc. (NBF Inc.), which is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of NBC, a public company listed on Canadian stock exchanges (TSX: NA). National Bank Independent Network is also a registered trademark of NBC used under license by NBF Inc. NBF Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF) as well as the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC), which is the national self-regulatory organization that oversees all investment dealers and trading activity on debt and equity marketplaces in Canada.
We are independent of NBC and we do not receive any compensation from NBC for placing trades through them. NBIN was chosen based on the combination of services and trading costs, as well as their financial strength.