Monthly Message
The Wutherich & Co. Composite was down 0.6% in February. This compares with the S&P 500, down 0.1%, the DJIA up 0.7%, the NASDAQ down 1.2%, the S&P/TSX up 0.5%, while the BMO Small Cap Index was up 5.0%.
February was another relatively flat month for the Wutherich & Co. Composite. Another round trip similar to that experienced in January. At one point during February, we were down nearly 6%, only to finish just below flat. In January, the Portfolio was down over 7%, only to recover by month’s end. Once again, less is more! The world just doesn’t change that much from one day or month to the next and so no reaction is necessary on our part. That being said, we do try to take advantage of down days to pick away at stocks that we feel are cheap based on long term criteria. Most of the companies in our portfolio continue to demonstrate that they are doing just fine and they will remain healthy and profitable for years to come.
To view the complete Monthly Message and Factsheet click here
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