Monthly Message
The Wutherich & Co. Composite posted a 4.7% gain in January versus the S&P/TSX being up 0.6%.
The strength that we experienced in our portfolio during 2023 has continued into 2024 but we always talk people down from getting too excited about short-term returns. Our portfolio companies continue to be in excellent health, which should drive long-term returns. This is what we would rather have our clients focus on.
With 7% cash, we would love to add a name to the portfolio but, so far, nothing has quite made the cut. In the meantime, stick with the devils you know! So, we are adding to existing positions.
While macro-economic and geopolitical events will continue to worry all of us, we believe our names are well positioned to weather this complex environment.
JF and I would like to offer a heartfelt Thank You to those who attended our Annual Update, in person and online, on January 24 at the Mount Stephen Hotel. We would also like to remind you of the importance of making contributions to your RRSP this time of year. Please contact us via email at jf@wutherich.ca or call 514-924-4438 and let us know how we can help you.
To view the complete Monthly Message and Factsheet click here
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